Introduction to Ana’ite
Welcome to Ana'ite, the Polynesian Digital Science Library ! This introduction explains how the digital library was born, what collections it contains and which partners have come together to offer the public free access to documents (books, newspapers, photos ...) on French Polynesia for the human and social sciences.
The University of French Polynesia, the Archival and Audiovisual Heritage Department (SPAA) and other partners have agreed on the need to create a digital library that provides free access to rare archival resources. While the SPAA collects and keeps all documents of heritage interest, teachers and researchers are the principal users of these documents, and are best positioned to identify topics of importance for research or education. The digital library will provide students with access to the necessary sources for their research work, and will assist in the dissemination of Polynesian heritage to the general public.
The ancient Polynesians used to keep the relics of their ancestors in caves (Ana in Tahitian). The Ana'ite digital heritage library, a cave for digital knowledge, is made up of several cavities in which you can find such materials as photographs and postcards. Dating from the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, these documents are an extremely rich testimony to the daily lives of Polynesians. You can also access documents from the Polynesian Library of the university library (prints, maps, books on Oceania, travel or Gauguin manuscripts, etc.) or from the SPAA (periodicals, books, manuals, etc.). Rare archival resources from French Polynesia's scattered institutions are gradually being digitized, combined with metadata and put online on a perennial and free basis. Each year, the Bulletins de la Société des Études Océaniennes published ten years earlier is digitised and made accessible along with the complete back catalogue of this journal, since it was first published in 1917.
The university library and its partners are linking the various institutions and individuals who have the documents with users seeking materials for their research. The digitization project aims to increase the accessibility of sources useful to researchers, notably through full text search and the addition of metadata by specialists. The digital document products generated in this way offer a richer resource than consultation of the original documents.
What are the conditions for using digitized documents ?
Ana'ite is a database produced by the University of French Polynesia. It is protected under the terms of Articles L341-1 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code.
The contents of this site are for the most part digital reproductions of public-domain works from various collections.
Works in the public domain are freely available to all, subject to the moral rights of authors (CPI, art L. 121-1), which confers on authors an inalienable and perpetual right to respect for their name, quality and work.
If you use a document from this site, you must cite its author and its origin.
Each scanned document is accompanied by a notice with a link "Citer ce document", on the right, to help you with correct citation.
All digital copies accessible online on the "Ana'ite, Polynesian Digital Science Library" site are licensed under the Creative Commons BY NC.
Can I propose materials for addition to the digital library ?
The section Contribuez allows you to propose materials to be digitised and put on line. Depending on their interest and copyright conditions, the university library will decide whether or not to put the material online.
Is there an item currently held at the SPAA or the UPF Library that you would like digitized for online use ? You can contact either the UPF, SPAA or BU and your request will be considered. All proposals are welcome !
SPAA : service.archives at archives.gov.pf
UPF Library : scd at upf.pf